Turner, Robert [1619-1665]. Esoptron Astrologikon [caratteri greci]. Astrologicall opticks: Wherein are represented the faces of every signe, with the images of each degree in the zodiack: thereby describing, 1. The nature and quality of every person, according to the degree ascending in the east at his nativity. 2. The virtue and signification of every planet through the 12. signes. 3. A most excellent description of the more hidden and abstruse influence of ( in his ( with all other the planets. 4. A clear explanation of the signification of the horoscope in any signe of the zodiack. Compiled at Venice, by those famous mathematicians, Johann. Regiomontanus and Johannes Angelus. London, printed for John Allen, and R. Moon, and are to be sold at their shops, at the Sun-rising, and Seven-starrs in Pauls Church-yard, in the new buildings between the two north-doors [1655].
In 8° cc. [8], pp. 96, 95-110, 113-181, 161, 172, 182-184, cc. [1].
E’ la traduzione in inglese, molto rielaborata, dell’Astrolabium planum di Engels (vedi la scheda n. 2381). La prefazione è di William Lilly, che, come osserva Gardner (infra), suggests that Johannes Angelus [Johann Engels] obtained his knowledge from the Egyptians by means of a learned Jew named Even Ezra [vedi sub Ibn Ezra, schede nn. 3869-3870]. Anche Gadbury contribuì alla prefazione, ed è cosa curiosa, considerata la grave inimicizia che correva tra quest’ultimo e Lilly.
Prima edizione in inglese.
Esemplari: British Library; Wellcome Library; Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington; UCLA Library, Los Angeles; Northwestern University, Illinois; Yale University.
Bibliografia: Gardner 1244.